[620] The gate.

The Arctic Titan hummed its mechanical tune, the sound of its gears, as it moved forth, undisturbed by anything in this long stretch of blue ice.

The ice below them, although a bridge, was like the ground itself. Alan flew down once, trying to reach the ground below, but the ice was like a partition. It wasn't like an ordinary bridge.

Well, it was his fault for expecting the normal in this scenario.

Relishing in the feeling of his body enjoying the environment, he returned to the top of the Arctic Titan and admired the frozen snowflakes.

Some were as large as mountains, while the smallest was the size of a five-story building. Each held an absurd amount of Mana within it, as if the Mana around the world wasn't enough.

These snowflakes were frozen in time, they did not move at all. Alan also found out that the cold here was much lower than what he had expected, giving worth to Festul's words.

"Lanesha must have prepared this."