[642] Sorcery!

"We don't know what it was, and who created it. But it randomly appeared in the form most understandable for all the intelligent species that could use mana."

He continued, the tone of his voice grew more serious.

"Species as young as the strange ones you came with, find it beneficial, but the older species, that have perfected their craft of mana discard it. Though many individuals still use it because of how convenient it is in explaining your strengths."

"So how is it a bad thing? And what did you mean by stubborn?"

Alan continued to pester the ancient dragon. He wanted to know as much as he could.

"Because it is incomplete, it is like a prototype. The system is convenient only for a while. When an individual has reached the rank of [Epic], it becomes entirely useless. A dragon reaches the rank of epic when it becomes an adult naturally."