"Ice Age, Absolute Zero, and Freeze."
Azmakul listed the names of the three skills, and Alan looked at him with curiosity burning in his cold eyes, it was clear he wanted an explanation, and Azmakul had to oblige.
"Ice age is a skill that turns the surroundings to ice, and provides you the environmental and elemental advantage. It is her domain of skill."
"... That is so normal."
Alan was disappointed... Although the name was explanatory itself, he would have preferred if one of the three signature skills of a supreme was super overpowered. Lanesha may not be the strongest supreme, but she was supreme!
He was kind of disappointed that was all [Ice Age] could do.
"Normal? Well, you would cease calling it normal if you witness it in action. The ability to turn the tides in your favor and keep them that way is essential, prince."
"Just tell me what the rest do."
Azmakul let out a heavy sigh, and continued.