
He did not believe them at first, but when he noticed the changes each of them had, as well as what [Mana Sense] was telling him, he had too...

He had no choice but too.


Alan took a deep breath, carefully analyzing each one of them.

"Everyone had a year's worth of training, due to Azmakul casting a time-slowing spell... And you trained in what you were good at?"

All of them, besides Maxwell, nodded in unison. 

"It was only a week for me, though. Trust me, even I thought the cold had done something to them."

Maxwell let out a chuckle as Alan sighed, his expression had changed. It was not of doubt, but of disappointment.

"You all went through a year of training, specialized training, I might add, and yet you only improved that much...?"

"What do you mean?"

Alice expressed her confusion.

"I had that goblin fill my head with everything about alchemy, It drove me insane!"