True Fashion Stories for "Wishes in Life".



Boating Part of their walk took them along the canal towpath for a mile or so, and they enjoyed the cooler feel from the water in the strong afternoon sunshine and the birds and animals which live in such a habitat. They had been planning an afternoon like this for some weeks, using one of their few 'occasional' rest days in an effort to spend some time together, relax and forget their responsibilities and work. Graham and Mary had been married about ten years or more. They were a handsome pair, with an easy, open relationship and, though they had both had other partners before they had married, these affairs had been discreet and both were aware of them and they'd made little difference to their loving relationship. To spice up their sex lives they had recently talked about these past affairs and both had been excited and turned on by the descriptions and what had happened - how they had occurred, what had taken place, how they felt and so on, and now their love making was often made even more erotic with such sex talk and it had become an important part of their passion - so much so that they had taken to imagining future encounters and what they would do, if an opportunity occurred, and how would they both react to such possibilities. In the end it was Mary herself who, one night and after a passionate bout together in their big bed, admitted that she wished some of their imaginings could become reality. She had got herself so excited by talking about phantom lovers and what they might ask her to do, and confessed to Graham that what she wanted, more than anything else, was to be enjoyed by two men at the same time. He'd teased her about it and even mentioned mutual friends as possibilities, but she was adamant that it should be with two strangers, so that the whole experienced would be out of her hands and so utterly exciting. He too was excited by the possibility and they resolved then and there that, if ever the chance arose, she would grab the opportunity and allow herself the experience and he would raise no objections. He also promised that there would be no recriminations after such an event and so this understanding lay between simply waiting the right moment. They rested just off the tow path in a patch of long grass and Graham opened the small rucksack they'd brought with snacks and a drink and, when they'd satisfied their thirst, they lay back against the warm earth and watched a skylark as it spiralled up into the blue heavens. They must have dozed for a little while because when Mary opened her eyes she felt a hand caressing her thigh beneath her light summer dress and she lay there enjoying the feel of the fingers, tracing the edge of her panties and, when she felt his lips on hers, she held him in a loving embrace. She became more and more aroused by his increasingly urgent caresses and, when his hand moved to the neckline of her dress, he began to unbutton the few buttons there and, as she wasn't wearing a bra, he soon had his hand inside and on her lovely breasts. She felt her nipples harden and he sucked on them gently as his hand once again explored her thighs. Then his fingers slipped beneath the barrier of her panties, pushing them to one side so that his questing digit could explore the groove of her sex. She was already wet with desire and, as she eased her legs wider apart to grant him further access, they suddenly heard the sound of voices. "How about here, Joe?" "Sure it'll do. Jump off and tie her up to that tree there." They heard a slight bump and then the sound of feet on the cinder towpath and suddenly, a shadow crossed their bodies and a voice said, "Sorry! Didn't see you! Hope we didn't wake you," and he watched as Graham sat up and Mary straightened her dress. "No problem," said Graham, immediately composed, "we were just having a bit of rest. Nice boat," he added as he got to his feet, "here let me tie that off for you, I can get to it from here." The man steering the narrow boat looked over at him and when Mary got to her feet his interest suddenly increased when he saw what a good looking woman had risen from the tall grass. "Just like Venus, rising from the sea!" he smiled. Mary returned his smile and blushed a little. "We were asleep," she admitted. "Didn't hear you until you were on top of us." "Sorry. I'm Ralph, and the noisy one is Joe," he said. "Graham and Mary," answered Mary, "where are you heading?" "Not much further today, we've been on the go since first light and we've been told the Canal Tavern in Ravenholme's a good stop over. Do you know it?" "Sure do," said Graham, "we sometimes have a meal there, and it is good. Gets a bit crowded during the summer months what with the barge traffic and such, but it's a nice stop for you guys." "Where are you heading?" asked Joe. "Oh we're just about ready to turn round and get back to our car. We've had a day off together for once and it's been great." "And then we come along and spoil it for you," said Ralph. "Sorry. I bet you were nice and cosy in the grass there." The way he said it made Mary blush and when she looked down at herself she realised for the first time that the neckline of her dress was still open and Ralph had a clear view of her left breast. She quickly turned and began to fasten it and heard the men laughing and Ralph joined in. "I suppose you did come at the wrong time," he admitted, "but it really is a lovely day and can you blame me? My Mary is quite a looker!" Mary turned when she was sure she was respectable again and Ralph looked rather disappointed. "Wish I'd kept my mouth shut," he grumbled and gave such a mournful look that they all laughed together again and the moment passed. "Why did you stop here, if you're on the way to the Canal Tavern?" asked Mary. "Well we needed a drink and a break from standing at the tiller. It isn't far to go according to our map and we didn't want to arrive too early as the later boats tie along side you if all the moorings are taken and then they have to cross your deck to get to the tow path. We thought we'd have a drink and look at the map as we need to plan the next couple of days as there are several alternatives when we get to the next junction." "Right then, we'll leave you to your break and be on our way. Coming Mary?" asked Graham. Mary looked up at Ralph and saw him examining her with half closed eyes. He was a handsome, well built man, in his mid thirties, who looked as if he could handle himself. He looked her straight in the eyes and it was a look of unashamed lust and she was held by his gaze for a moment, unable to look away. When she finally looked back at her husband he noticed the strange mood she was in and realised immediately what she was thinking. "Come on then Mary, let's be going. She's tired, I'm afraid. We've perhaps walked too far this afternoon and it's really hot out here. We left our car in a village some way from the canal, but we'll take it easy on our way back to it," said Graham. "Why not join us for a drink, it'll freshen you up and you needn't stay long?" Graham noted the delight on Mary's face and knew that here, at last, was an opportunity for her to live out her favourite fantasy. The men looked okay and when he examined his own feelings, he knew that he too would like her to experience her fantasy and decided, there and then that, if it was what she wanted, then he would try and make it happen. "Why not. How about you Mary?" "That would be nice," she said, "I do feel a little tired and I've always wanted to see inside these barges, they look so cosy." "Come on board, then. Give me your hand and I'll help you," said Ralph. She took his hand and nearly moaned aloud for she was so erotically charged with desire that she was almost afraid of her feelings. "Look," said Graham hesitating before climbing on board, "I'm a bit worried about the distance we've covered and I've some things that need doing today. My Mary's quite tired and it's an awful long walk back so, how about you giving Mary a ride to those moorings you're planning to use and let me go back to the car? I need to do a little running as my job keeps me seated all day so I can do that and then I'll drive on the Canal Tavern, say in about two and half to three hours and pick Mary up there. If you like we can all have a meal together later. What do you think, Mary?" "I don't know. We do seem to be putting on them a bit. I am tired... are you sure you won't mind the journey back on your own?" "Not at all. I can crack on by myself and I know how much you'd enjoy an afternoon on the water," he said pointedly, and winked at her. He watched her face and smiled to himself, recognising the raw sexual excitement in her eyes. "That's fine by us, isn't it Joe?" said Ralph. "Don't worry about a thing, Graham, me and Joe here will take good care of her and she can have a drink and a nice leisurely cruise down the canal and get involved as much or as little as she desires." He stressed the word 'desires' leaving both Graham and his partner Joe in no doubt at all about his intentions and then there was a pause as each assessed the situation and at last Graham nodded his approval. "That sounds great." "Good. Joe, why don't you show Mary the lounge and see what she'd like to drink? I'm sure Graham will untie the mooring rope before he sets off." Mary followed Joe below and as she descended the steps she looked at her husband and gave him a look of gratitude and he smiled and nodded his approval. "See you in a couple of hours or so Graham. You won't forget to pick me up, will you?" she said and disappeared from sight. Graham untied the mooring rope and handed it to Ralph. "Don't worry, my friend," whispered Ralph, "we'll take good care to see that she's happy. See you later at our moorings." Graham nodded, picked up the rucksack and began his long jog back to his car, and Ralph watched until he was about half a mile away and saw him turn off the tow path and strike out on a narrow lane at right angles to the canal towards a small coppice. Ralph restarted the engine and pulled out to the middle of the canal and the barge 'Lucky Chance' was under way. He steered a steady course and later, when Joe appeared with a drink for him, he told him to take over the tiller while he saw to things below. Joe almost protested, but saw the look in Ralph's face, and did as he was asked. "Don't worry, my friend, there's plenty there for both of us and it's only a short run to the Canal Tavern so why don't we find some more private moorings and stop there a while. Just keep her steady, look out for a likely spot and when I've got things cooking below, you cane tie up again and join us - if you're up to it!" "Up to it!" exclaimed Joe in a harsh whisper, "my cock's so hard I'll have a job knowing which is the tiller! She's on her third gin and tonic already you know." Ralph laughed and went below and found Mary in the lounge area with a large glass of clear liquid. She looked relaxed and completely at home and said, "I think your friend Joe's trying to get me drunk, or were they you're orders? I guess you're the one in charge aren't you?" Ralph smiled and stared at her with lustful eyes. "Well, are you going to show me around?" she asked. "Later," said Ralph, "first I need a drink and then I want you to tell me what you and your husband were up to in the long grass when we arrived. Those unfastened buttons were quite interesting and I sure would like to see what you're hiding under there." "You're not slow in coming forward, are you? I bet you saw plenty from where you were standing. You're not going to rush me are you Ralph? I like things slow and easy and, before we get too far, I want you to promise me something - no rough stuff, agreed?" "Why were you planning to get rough with us?" She laughed and took another drink, draining her glass and putting it to the side. "Now then, Ralph. What can we find to do to pass the next few hours, I wonder?" He moved towards her, took her in his arms and gave her a deep and very passionate kiss. Later he was sitting on the settee as Mary, now visibly affected by the amount and the speed with which she'd consumed the liquid, was struggling to unbutton the fastening at the neck of her light summer dress. She laughed when the last one came undone and, looking Ralph in the eye said, "Are you ready for this, sailor?" "And how," whispered Ralph, clutching the huge swelling at his groin and rubbing himself openly in excitement. Mary raised the dress, inch by inch and when she revealed her small bikini panties, and she heard his sharp intake of breath and pulled the hem higher and higher, finally pulling it over her head and placing it onto the chair back. He smiled and licked his lips and stared at her lovely swollen breasts and became totally captivated by the way her nipples were becoming more rosy and erect. "Now the rest," he begged. "Oh, no!" she said. "it's your turn now." He got to his feet and she took his place on the settee and watched as he quickly removed his shirt and trousers and, as he stood there in just his under shorts he smiled, somewhat embarrassed, and then she moved in, pulling him to her and feeling his erection pressing against her stomach. She was in heaven, for he had a lean and very fit body which felt hard and strong and, by the look and feel of his erection, he was well made in that department too. His hand grabbed her buttocks and he squeezed them tightly and she ground herself against him and held her face up for a kiss and then their lips met and tongues entwined and, as she moaned as he nibbled her lower lip, she jerked her hips against him. She was so excited that her head began to spin and she quickly pulled at the waist of his shorts and lowered them over his hard buttocks until he stood back, removed them completely and heard her gasp when she saw his naked penis. It was a long, thick one and the swollen head seemed disproportionately large and was a very deep red in colour. The actual opening was a long and narrow slit and she was so captivated by it that she seemed surprised when he pulled her to him, grabbed her bikini panties and slid them down and away her. They stood naked for a moment and then he kissed her again and walked her backwards until her bottom came up against the drop leaf table. He pushed her until her back was across it and her feet just touching the floor and, positioning himself between her legs, his hands squashed and caressed her lovely breasts and his penis fitted over the slit of her sex and she began to rub and move her hips so that the fleshy wand slipped up and down erotically. She pulled him onto her even closer and they lay together kissing and fondling and then he drew back and, kneeling between her thighs, planted passionate kisses onto her vagina. His tongue swirled about her engorged clitoris and then he sucked it and lapped at her as she began to moan with passion. Soon her cries were audible above the cabin and Joe called above the sound of the engine. "Ralph! When is it my turn come below?" Ralph's head lifted at the sound of Joe's voice and they lay together listening. He grinned at her and she smiled, her eyes still smouldering with lust. "Be patient Joe. Soon!" he shouted. "That's not fair, Ralph. Let him join us. I don't mind, honestly," insisted Mary, seeing the possibility of experiencing her full fantasy by having two men at the same time. "Are you sure?" Ralph asked. Mary nodded and pulled his face back to her pussy. "Find somewhere quiet, Joe, and pull over. Then hurry up and join us," she cried and moments later she almost fell from the table as the barge yawed and soon came to rest with a bump at the far bank side, opposite the tow path. Before long Joe appeared in the doorway and his mouth gaped wide when he saw the naked pair across the table. He quickly stripped himself of his shirt and trousers and, as Ralph continued his oral assault on her pussy, Mary turned her head and watched as Joe lowered his own under shorts and she saw that he too had a thick penis, though the head of it was half covered by a thick collar of skin. Joe's cock stood erect and curved and pointed at the roof of the cabin and, when he caught her glance, he smiled as he recognised her look appreciation of what was to come for her in the next hour or so. "Why don't we use the settee first?" suggested Mary and, as she pushed Ralph from her. Joe helped her to the settee and she lay back across the width of it with her feet resting on the floor. Ralph and Joe stood over her, their cocks pointing aggressively skywards and she reached up and held them both like trophies and, as she fondled one with her hand, she licked the other like a cat laps milk. Soon she was turned and stretched along the length of the settee and, while Ralph eased his long penis into her pussy, Joe played with her breasts and pinched and licked her nipples. For Mary it was wonderful as Ralph's cock filled her and his strokes were both long and powerful ones and her first orgasm was so sharp that she cried out as if in pain, and with the stimulation of her breasts and nipples and the surging thrust in her pussy, she orgasmed again and again a with powerful surges and spasms. Then Ralph lost the plot and, though he tried to shout a warning, the cry was caught in his climax and he moaned with desire and disappointment at his loss of control and Mary felt the surge of his rod as it pulsed and swelled within her, and ejaculated its hot semen as she moaned aloud in ecstasy. No sooner had Ralph's thrusts slowed and ceased than he was almost pulled away from Mary's hot embrace and she held her arms out, inviting Joe to take the empty place. He first fingered he sloppy channel and nuzzled his face between her breasts and then her hand located his hard organ and she pulled back the collar of thick skin and guided it into her sodden depths with great joy. He filled her with one thrust of his hips and she cried aloud as he began to pump and shaft his hips at her with great speed. She sought control, but it was no use and she let the climax wash over and through her and, before too long, Joe too let loose his pent up load and filled her searing depths and they lay like lifeless bodies for a while until Mary got up and padded to the bathroom to drink and clean some of the semen from her legs and pubic hair. When she returned they were no longer in the lounge and she heard a sound from the cabin beyond the bathroom and, when she opened the door they were on their bunks, naked, grinning from ear to ear and waiting for her. "I see!" she said, pleased that they wanted more. "How do you want to work this one boys?" "Have you ever taken two on at the same time?" asked Joe. "No, I haven't. Is it what you want to do?" "Worth a try," said Ralph, casually, "we've read about such things, but never had the opportunity to try it out. Are you willing?" Of course there was nothing more she wanted, and she considered her next answer. "The thing is, I'm ready and willing, but you must promise me one thing." "What's that?" asked Ralph. "If it hurts, or doesn't feel right, I want you to stop. Immediately! Remember if you get me to co-operate it's better for the both of you for a willing partner is better than a forced one. What do you say?" They both nodded solemnly. "Good. Now how do you want me?" Ralph stood and taking her in his arms he kissed her and pressed her into him so that her breasts squashed his stomach. Then Joe, not wishing to be left behind, knelt and began massaging her buttocks and running his nails about her cheeks. She felt her passion rising once more and soon she was French kissing Ralph while Joe was palming her cheeks apart and rooting about near her rose bud opening and she absolutely loved it and then her breath came in short gasps as the eroticism of the situation built. "I'm so excited," she moaned into Ralph's mouth and Joe kissed her bottom and slapped it playfully. "Ready for it?" Ralph asked. "Never more so," she replied and she felt Joe leave her and settled back on his own bunk, his resurrected penis in his hand and looking like a cat, about to get all the cream in the world. "Climb on board my love," invited Joe, "and let's get you nice and relaxed." She settled with her legs astride him and jiggled herself until she felt the head of his erection at the entrance to her vagina. Then, taking a deep breath, she nodded her readiness and sank down on it and it filled her, just as she'd remembered and had a sudden pang of anxiety, wondering if there would be room for Ralph as well. Joe was soon bucking his hips until he was firmly lodged within her and she began to feel the start of a rising orgasm and kissed him for pleasing her so. Then the bunk sagged under the weight of another body and she was soon aware of Ralph kneeling to get into position behind her. She paused and so did Joe and waited for the next stage of her conquest. Joe pulled her down so that her breasts melded into his chest and her bottom rose to a sharp angle and then she felt the force of Ralph's cock being slid up and down her slit, gathering juice and wetting the huge and swollen head. She heard him spit on his fingers and then he was carefully caressing her tiny anal opening and, after a while, she began to relax until a finger entered her slowly, followed closely by another digit. Again there was pause allowing her to adjust to the unusual sensation and after a while she thought, "It won't be too bad." The fingers withdrew and she knew the moment was upon her and, taking a deep breath she felt the head of his penis at the gate and it slipped and probed for a while until a hand gripped it and, without warning, it slipped within the narrow passage and again rested and throbbed in position. "Is it okay?" asked Joe, ever concerned about her well being. "I think so. But be very careful with me," she begged. "It'll soon be inside and you'll enjoy it, believe me," said Ralph showing supreme patience, for he truly wanted to jab it home as his shaft was throbbing and almost out of control with sexual anticipation. "Let's try it then!" he said and suddenly pressed forward and her mouth opened wide as she gasped at the invasion. "Go, Ralph!" said Joe. "Stick it to her, now!" "Oh, my God!" she cried. "I've never... Oh my God! Yes!" He was home and secure and her passage felt so tight he thought he would climax immediately and had to say his seven time table to hold it back. Joe himself began to stir and soon, as the passages lubricated from the natural secretions, and then all three were moving and, as Joe thrust up and in, Ralph withdrew and vice versa. Mary had a rhythm of her own which complimented her two lovers and she was even able to contract her internal muscles so that both cocks felt as though they were being squeezed by hot and unseen hands. It wasn't clear who lost the will to continue as all the trio had been skirting the edges of their individual climaxes since the game began, but it was certainly Mary who shouted the first warning, "I'm there! I can't wait! Are you ready?" Joe opened his eyes and stared up at Ralph's glazed expression "I'm on the edge! God it's there!" "Go for it! Oh yes!" cried Ralph and the three of them lost all thought but the need to finish. Mary felt the cock in her vagina begin to kick and swell and then Ralph's organ began to ejaculate in hard spurts as she lost her own battle and cried out in a peak of pure pleasure. She lost all sense and reason completely and, when she regained sanity, she was the filling in an extraordinary sandwich of panting, sweating and heaving bodies that slipped and ground out their own rhythms above and below her own. She was aware of hot liquids shooting inside her and loud slurping sounds as the trio fought to satisfy the longing in their loins and, as they slowed and finally stopped, she felt a calm satisfaction that was so unique that it brought her into a true state of bliss. Ralph was the first to groan and move away and the loss of his weight seemed to her like the loss of something precious from her life so she clung to Joe and he held her and she felt his penis twitch, almost involuntarily, inside her. She heard Ralph pad his way to the bathroom and heard the shower and the sounds of washing beyond her little world and she rolled away from Joe and fell asleep. When he moved she was unaware of his departure and slept on completely satiated and relaxed. The start up of the engine brought her awake and she lay there, as the events of that last hour or so were replayed in her mind. She felt her aching and reddened breasts and then her hand moved down to her vagina and she felt the swollen lips and her semen covered pubic hair and smiled, knowing the pleasure she'd had from her companions. The cabin door opened and Joe appeared with a cold drink so she sat up and took a sip and he asked her if she wanted a shower. "How near are we?" she asked. "About half an hour, I should think, why?" "Long enough! Give me a cuddle, Joe." Soon he was between her legs and she was kissing an caressing his back and she held him to her until his newly erect penis slipped inside her and began pumping her ravaged and slippery vagina, and she worked her hips as he reamed her with renew passion. "God. I can't believe it!" he cried. "I'm nearly there!" "Go for it!" she cried, thrusting her hips at him and then she felt his cock twitching and emptying into her and she loved it, for it made her feel so happy and desirable. He left her after a while and later she decided that it was time she cleaned herself up and, as she made her way to the bathroom, she encountered Ralph in the passageway. "Not yet, my lovely lady!" he smiled. "Haven't you forgotten me?" "You two are insatiable! I'll be dead unless I get off this boat soon. Come on then, where do you want me?" "Right here," he said and turned her so that she was facing the narrow steps leading up to the prow of the barge. "Put you hands on the step and spread your legs, Mary. It won't take long and then I promise, you can get ready to go!" She leaned forward, her hands flat on the third step and felt him fingering her pussy from behind. She smiled, anticipating his plans and, when she felt his penis at the entrance to her love channel, she pushed back a little and enjoyed the sensation of his swollen cock head slipping so easily inside her. He began to push his hips forward and the whole stem was soon lodged within her and she moaned with the excitement of it all. It was a lovely sensation and she felt the joy of his thick penis as it reamed such a well worn path and the tingling inside her was so exciting that she was soon heading for another orgasm and began clutching his penis with her muscles. He was ready once more and warned her of his approaching climax and she moaned out, "Go for it, Ralph! I'm there!" and they were lost in a whirl of joy as he shot his semen into her, and when they were finally still he pulled away, turned and gave her such a kiss that her head began to spin. Then they broke off, both tired and done and she moved to the bathroom and enjoyed a cool shower. She used a rough towel to dry herself and her body looked pink and healthy. Donning her summer dress she located her bikini panties and suddenly heard voices from the towpath. Looking out of the window she saw other people beyond the boat and a flower decorated boating inn. As the barge bumped along the canal side she heard Graham's voice sound as he offered to catch the mooring rope. She climbed up into the sunlight and smiled when she saw Graham. He shaded his eyes and smiled back and she nodded her happiness at the questioning look in his eyes. Later they had a meal together, though the events of the late afternoon were never mentioned and, when it was time to go, she was kissed by both Ralph and Joe and later in the car she almost fell asleep. In bed together, Graham held her and, in the darkness, asked if she was happy. "Yes. It was every bit as good as I'd hoped." "You weren't scared then?" "Only of you not wanting me after it was all over." "That will never happen," said Graham, "as long as I know and approve." "Then that's all right," she whispered. "Shall I tell you what happened?" "Yes please, my darling. I can hardly wait!".