True Fashion Stories for "Wishes in Life".


Mrs. Anderson.

Mrs. Anderson When the clerk looked over her shoulder and asked if I was here to amend the ownership on a deed, I said " Yes". But, the sound of my voice had a strange echo that was much higher, and softer than mine. That was when I realized that I was not alone on the customer side of the counter at the Country Recorders Office. She was a very attractive woman who appeared to be in her mid 30's. She had brown eyes, long auburn hair tied in a pony tail, and an impish smile on her lips that suddenly turned into laughter as we realized that we were both there for the same reason. She noticed the white skin on the ring finger of my dark tanned left hand, and said " looks like Judge Pearson finally cleaned out his in basket ". He was the Judge who handled most of the simple no-fault divorce cases, and apparently we had both accepted the house as our part of the settlement. When the clerk had taken care of us, I looked into her eyes, took a deep breath and said " are you hungry." That was how I came to find myself across the table from Heidi Anderson who was a dentist in a small neighboring town. She was 43, and I had just turned 55 but we seemed to have found a common bond on that warm September afternoon. After a long lunch we shared as much as we dared of our life stories. We had both been dumped after many years of marriage, and although one side of our bed was empty, we both agreed that we needed time to decide if we wanted to risk being hurt again. But, we exchanged phone numbers, and went our separate ways knowing somehow that it was not the end of the story. A couple days later on way to my Law office, I answered my cell phone and there was that smooth voice again that said " Hi, Bob it's Heidi ". She told me that as she went past the State Park on her way to the clinic, she spotted some beautiful red and yellow colors on the Maple Trees. It was supposed to be unseasonably warm that weekend, and would I like to share a picnic lunch on Saturday. That night when my daughter called from school " just to see how I was doing ", I told her that I had a date and not to worry about dad turning into a grumpy old hermit. "Hey Dad, have fun but you better check her ID". We had a long talk after her mother moved out and she agreed that it would be nice to know that there was someone around to keep me company, but she did not want another sister. " I picked Heidi up the next day about 10 am, so we could get into the park before it filled up, but we were too late. I could see from the entrance, that the warm day had given the same idea to a whole lot of people. The State Ranger just shook his head and said that he was sure that all the cooking grills were occupied. Just as I was getting ready to turn around, a car pulled up on the outgoing side of the guard house, and I heard a young man say that he would not be able to stay the night because of a problem at work. I promptly offered to take that site, and since there was no waiting list, it was ours. The Ranger gave me a map and told me that it was the last site on the road at Lonesome Point. There was a fire pit and a grill, and since I paid for the night, we could stay in the park until 10 am on Sunday, if that was what we wanted to do. The trip to the campsite took almost an hour as we followed the road along the shoreline, stopping every so often to savor the view and then scamper through the leaves before returning to the car. The afternoon went by in a blur of red and yellow leaves, a lunch of grilled steaks, potato salad, and wine enjoyed in that quiet isolation that must be what prompted someone to name that little spit of land Lonesome Point. It was still very warm as the sun started to set. Heidi leaned back into my arms as we stood on the shoreline listening to waves gently lapping over a small sandy beach. I tried to relax, but when her little butt pushed back into my groin, I am sure that she noticed that my response to nature was becoming very personal. After a long silence, she whispered " how long has it been for you ". I thought for a moment and finally said, " well, she left in June, but the last time we tried was last December. I started one night, but when she said that I was only doing it because I did not want to go through the hassle of the divorce, I went limp. She took the kids to her parents over Christmas, and by the time she came back, we were both too stubborn to show any affection." Heidi stared across the lake and finally said " about that long for me too, but it was because after spending all afternoon at his girl friends apartment, he was just too tired." I leaned down and kissed her neck and slid my arms up a little higher until they brushed across her breasts, She leaned into me, and said " do you think anyone would notice if we went skinny-dipping? I haven't done that since I was a kid." Looking across the lake, I could see that the main picnic area was almost empty, and I said " we could. The Ranger won't be around until after 10 to check on his overnight guests." Then I hesitated, realizing that this was going beyond just a quiet picnic in the park. Heidi must have sensed my reluctance and she pondered a moment. Without turning around she said, " Bob, I know what you are thinking, and believe me, I am not ready to be anything more than a friend, but we are adults and we are both single. When the court order arrived yesterday, the pain of my broken marriage came back again, and right now I can not think of a more appropriate way to celebrate my independence then by doing what I would have never dreamed of doing when I was married. Let's let our bodies enjoy the day, and we will worry about our minds some other time. She turned around, and put her arms around my neck, and her lips just brushed against mine. When I started to open my mouth, her head went back as she laughed and said, " shame on you, Bob, that's bad oral hygiene". I reached down and tugged at her slacks and said " if I can get these off, I'll show you what we do to little girls who sass their elders ". She made her face pout, and stared into my eyes and whispered " I'll let you treat me like a little girl, but only if afterwards you let me prove to you that I am a woman." We quickly undressed, and just as she was about to hook her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, I said " please let me do that ". She turned her back to me and I slowly slid the soft cotton over her small but distinctly curved twin globes. I knelt down and pulled them to her ankles and she leaned back into my face as she lifted one foot and then the other to kick the fabric free. I spun her around and moved my mouth very close to the top of her freshly shaved vaginal lips and blew a puff of hot breath as her knees started to buckle. I was about to stick out my tongue when she turned around and started running into the water. When I finally caught up with her, the water was waist deep and she warped her arms around my back and we fell down, with me on top. With just our heads above the waves, we started to explore each other's body. I gently caressed her breasts and she reached down to rake her fingers across my scrotum and then stroke my very erect penis. When my fingers started to part the lips of her vulva, she bit my ear and whispered " I don't think it would be a good idea to create any opening that might attract something that was looking for a home." I suggested that maybe it was dark enough to lay on the beach. We pulled the picnic blanket on to the sand, and lay for a moment as a very warm breeze dried our bodies. Finally, I hovered over her and started to nibble and kiss my way from her forehead, on to the cute little upturned nose, and lingered over her mouth as the tips of our tongues just danced together. My journey continued and after licking lazy circles around the dark pigment of her left breast, I sucked her erect nipple into my mouth. My hand followed a similar course down to her right breast and every time I sucked on her nipple, I pulled on the other one. When I started to release my grip, she put her hands on my head, and whispered " don't leave there yet, we have all night." I had heard of women who experienced orgasms just from the stimulation of their nipples, but I was still both surprised and for a moment a little worried when she closed her eyes and started to moan as her body started to shudder. The Moon was bright enough to see that a rash had covered her breasts and moved up to her neck, and I felt a sudden flash of heat that seemed to make her skin hot to the touch. Just as quickly, it was over and she exhaled and said " wow, I haven't one like since " and then her voice trailed off, and she said " kiss me". Once again, I continued my journey, down between her breasts, and stopped to lick the salty moisture out of her belly button. My fingers were part of the advance guard of this little march, so by the time I reached her mound with my tongue, the lips of her labia had already been breached and my naked ring finger was buried inside. I gently dragged my thumb over her clit until the little man in the boat appeared and then I sucked him inside A second finger slipped inside and I pushed against the wall of her vagina until I put pressure on her bladder. When I started pumping in and out, she started to breath in short gasps, and just as she started to reach her second orgasm, I pulled my wet fingers out and thrust one of them deep into her rectum. She clamped her hand over her mouth to mute that cry which I sure would have been heard clear across the lake. We both giggled when we heard the wolf respond with his own howl. and I whispered " I hope that doesn't mean he wants to join the party." I crawled up into her arms and rested my head between her breasts until her heart rhythm was back to normal. Then she gently pushed me over on to my back. She started her journey by kissing the soles of my feet. When I told that I was ticklish, she laughed and bit my big toe. Then she leaped up between my legs and started to gently run the tip of her tongue in tight circles on that very sensitive patch of skin just above my rectum, but below the base of my scrotum. I pulled my knees up to give her more room, and she slowly licked her way across the sack, and up the bottom side of my penis. When she got to the little V at the base of the head, she poked at it with the tip of her tongue, until I started to drip. She ran her tongue around the head lapping up all the lubricant and then pinched the sides until the hole was big enough to tickle with the tip of her tongue. As much as I wanted her to suck my penis deep into her mouth, I also wanted to see her impaled on that shaft, and at my age a man can not do both in the same hour. I lowered my knees and gently pulled on her shoulders until she slid up towards my chest. She raised herself, and while firmly holding me in her hand she guided my penis into that warm wet world between her legs. " Oh, My God, it feels so good to have you inside me " she groaned. We just looked at each other in the moonlight, and then we giggled like a couple of kids who were doing this for the very first time. She braced herself with her hands on either side of my head and started to rock back and forth. I tried to remain still, but within a few minutes I had pulled my knees up again, and as I placed my hands over her nipples, I pushed her back up against my legs and started to thrust deep into her body. The ache started deep in my groin. My penis felt that unique combination of pain and mind numbing pleasure as the semen started moving through my body on it's way to hers. My breathing turned to gasps and although I wanted to be quiet, as we lay exposed on that moon lit beach, I could not stifle a groan when I finally exploded. No, we did not finish at the same time, but I was still hard enough to feel the ripple of her vaginal walls when she climaxed for the third time. She collapsed on my chest. and I pulled the blanket over the top of us just as I saw the headlights of the ranger's car briefly shine against my car at the top of the little bluff. His mission was to look for unattended campfires and seeing none, he continued on his rounds without getting out of the car. We were awakened by the musical cry of a Loon and a beautiful sunrise over the east end of the lake. We kissed, and then I rolled Heidi over on to her back and fingered her lips until I felt them become warm and slippery. Then I slowly pumped my penis hardened by the need to pee into her waiting body. I tried to brace myself on my knees and elbows, but she pulled me down and said " Oh, God, there are many things a girl can do for herself, but there is nothing quite as comforting as feeling the weight of a warm body on top of mine. After warming ourselves in the morning sun, we took a refreshing dip in the cool lake water and then dressed and went in search of breakfast on that last Sunday in September. Heidi and I have remained friends. I have even become her patient, but in the last five years we never felt the need or the desire to be lovers. We proved to ourselves that we could move beyond our former life and now, at least for me I could enjoy being pleasantly single.