Chapter 0037. Memory Fragment

I was currently sitting on a huge root of a tree on the outskirts of the dark forest. The demonic monkey's around me looked at me and just made weird noises without trying to attack me or get close to me.

Even the guy whose territory I had invaded quietly ran away to a different side instead of fighting.

I sighed.

It had been years, yet I was still like this. Extremely sensitive about my past, and the people related to it. When I finally started caring about somebody else, somebody new, who wasn't my family but a total stranger, I ended up losing them.

But one thing made me not want to dwell on it, and those were the notifications that I got after killing the Grivantula. I didn't see them back then, but I was currently staring at them.

[You have failed the quest 'Prophecy (1)'.]

[Quest completion condition:

1) Save the Rewan village chief's daughter from Grivantula - FAILED.

2) Kill and eat the flesh of Grivantula - COMPLETED.]