Chapter 0041. I WANT HIM!

"Oh my… is this for real?"

Mom asked me with uncertainty filling her eyes.

[Bank of Utah

Account number: XXXXXX9327

Account holder name: Flynn Grey

Account Balance: US$103070 ]

My account was currently loaded with money. I had gotten 600,000 gold coins after killing the Grivantula and 900,000 gold after killing the lion guy (too short-lived to let his name be remembered).

This alone brought me to a whopping $150k. I didn't want to empty my pants off, so I had taken out $100k while keeping the rest of the money as gold coins in case of emergency.

Not to mention I still had the corpses of both the beasts, which would be another gold mine for me if I decided to auction it or even sell it separately, by auctioning each body part one by one.


Mom woke up from her dining seat and jumped at me, hugging me tightly as she sobbed and cried.

"I always knew… My good son is better than anyone else. I can't believe it."

I comforted her slowly and after a while, I said.