Chapter 0046. A Glimmer Of Hope

I was shocked to see the Fruit of Separation growing on a small plant instead of the enormous trees. For a moment, I couldn't understand what was going on.

'Are these trees just for show?'

[Information about 'Tree of Separation' has been updated!]

Tree of Separation

Grade: Rare

A tree that bears the fruit of separation. Only a tree less than six months old will bear the fruit of separation.]

'So it's like this?'

Without wasting time, I started digging around the plant to take out the whole plant instead of the tree.

There were various instances where one could ruin the fruit if they plucked it from the plant. But, with a person's life at stake, I just couldn't afford to take any risks.

Slowly digging out the sides, I noticed something weird about the roots. Clearing up the soil from above, I saw another green-coloured peach right under its roots, connected to the bunch of small roots and radiating with life, unlike the purple-coloured peach.