Chapter 0048. Fool's Disguise!

Trypen started majoring me up from top to bottom with his long, slim hands. I felt weird jolts run down my body as this was the first time a man was touching me like this.

'Not like I needed to get my clothes hand-stitched before.'

I somehow had to bear with all the touching, and after that, Trypen went inside, and weird noises came out….as if he was pooping.

In half an hour, Trypen came out. By that time, I had replenished my stock of health and mana potions and bought essentials like ropes and even alchemy pens.

'To think one pen only cost ten gold. And I wasted a hundred golds for one alchemy isn't really your supermarket, huh?'

I felt cheated, but that just taught me a lesson that I couldn't just depend on alchemy for everything. Alchemy followed the law of equivalent exchange, it didn't care about what something costs in the world, it cared more about how much its actual mass worth was.