Chapter 0052. Entering

I was currently walking on the streets of Brinkest City, and following me closely were Nameless, Gomchul, Bowser, Lynch and Fender.

We were currently walking towards Wenselm Castle, which was situated at the end of Brinkest city, the capital city of Wenselm Dukedom.

It was way, way better than the capital city of Crisedia. The roads were made up of clean bricks with cleaning magic inscribed in them. The sewers were connected to a proper drainage system. There wasn't a single small house, as all around us were buildings like there were in mediaeval England.

It was already nighttime, but the magical street lights, the lights coming out of the building's windows, and the shops were giving enough illumination to leave no space for darkness.

Magical, old-fashioned cars and horse carriages would pass us from time to time, and some people were even using earth salamanders to get their carriages moving.