Chapter 0065. The Egg

"So, you want to go to the abyss…?"

Harold asked as his eyes bounced from my face to Ena's.

"Well, yes. That's the gist."

"Hmm. Keep her safe."

Wait… is that it? Don't you want to stop your daughter from going somewhere as dangerous as the abyss? What is wrong with you?

"Let's go then."

Ena said as she looked at me, and I had a lot of things to object to, but as she said, I didn't want to waste any more time than I already had.

"Ah, I have a favour to ask of you, duke. Would you mind?"

"Not at all, what is it?"

"Can you deliver this letter to Roan's Alchemy House? Tell them it's from Lucas Morris."


I handed over the letter to Harold as he stared at me blankly.

"You know master Lucas Morris? The Lucas Morris?"

"Eh? Is there some other Lucas Morris too? Why are you reacting like that? He's just a hyrus who lives in a small hobbit hole you know. Also, keep this between you and me, but he's a big miser."