Chapter 0078. Financial Situation

"So, first and foremost. How much money does Egran's treasury have? I am sure you are aware since you managed the state of affairs, right?"

I asked as my smile stretched to my ears. I was currently seated inside Egran's study; the same room that he loves so much.

Cohtan, the deputy of Egran, was standing nervously in front of me. 

"It has 90,000,000 chasm empire's gold coins. Apart from that, there are some rare weapons, items, potions and 489 mana stones."

To think that even such a small town had so much money. 

"Wait, mana stones?!!"

"Yes, sir. 489 of them in total."

A mana stone was a much rarer currency than gold. It had many practical uses, but the biggest use was its use as a universally accepted currency throughout the world Mayhem. Like the name suggested, mana stones held mana inside them and even a single mana stone was worth 100,000 gold coins. 

'489 into 100,000…'