Chapter 0084. Graveyard of Vengeful Howls

Near Wenselm Dukedoms Territory.

[Welcome to 'The Graveyard of Vengeful Howls'.]

I looked at the notification in front of me and couldn't help but get chills just from reading the name.

In front of me laid an eerie graveyard filled with ghostly cries and howls.

"Why are we here again?"

I asked as I rubbed my goosebumps. This fucking game had to make everything so realistic.

"Hmm? We are here to hunt for souls so you can refine them, obviously!"

Lynch replied with his eyes curved into a smile.

We had come in a party of ten people, which included me, Lynch, Nameless, Gomchul, Mizzen and five other members of the guild.

'Coming to a hunting ground with so many people feels even weirder than seeing ghosts.'

I couldn't believe that a day would come when I would be hunting with so many people.