Chapter 0088. I've brought my own Ring!

—-Clap! Clap! Clap!

People applauded after Harold's declaration, and Harold grinned with happiness. 

'What's his deal… I need to figure out what's wrong with him.'

I couldn't focus on the event due to the blatant disgust from prince Lorcan.

I had checked just in case the other people with 'Sahhan' in their name had the same look as him, but I was glad to find out that this Lorcan guy was the only one with a screw loose.

"Hey, Knight guy, come here for a second."

I asked Harold's personal knight, James, to come over. I slightly bent towards his ears and asked in a whisper.

"What is wrong with that guy? Why is he staring at me so blatantly? Not to mention it doesn't seem very friendly."

When James looked at 'that guy', he couldn't help but get agitated as he immediately responded.