Chapter 0102. Ignorance is a Bliss

I looked at the grand city in front of me. 

Yvikin, the biggest and the most prosperous city in the whole of the central continent. 

It was as people had proclaimed it to be. 

Just from the outside, one can see the huge, never-ending city's different intersections. It was said that the city had four major parts, one was the market that held items under legendary 2 stars, something which should be priceless outside of the main city of the Sahhan empire. 

The second part of  the city was solely devoted to blacksmiths. It was said that the emperor had gathered the empire's best blacksmiths and equipment in order to create a blacksmith market so great that every other country's blacksmith markets would cower in shame.

Many blacksmith players, one of the popular production classes, dreamt of coming to the empire and getting accepted as the students of blacksmith of the Yikin Smith Mart.