Chapter 0118. Malaika

After sharing contacts with the others, I started looking for my room.

[Diamond Room | 11200 | A]

My room was on the 112th floor, it was also considered a VIP area since only top players were allocated rooms above platinum rank.

It was easy to find. 

Tapping the card on the glass lock, the door clicked open.

What are the chances I'd run into a beautiful girl changing inside the room?

Well, very low chances. That's why nothing like that happened. The room was empty. 

Seems like my roommate hasn't come yet.

I was honestly a bit disappointed for not running into a naked girl. I guess some tropes weren't true after all.


The room was large, to say the least. Two people, heck 20 people can adjust in it and sleep comfortably if need be. There were just two large beds placed on the opposite sides. Two recliner sofas and a table in the middle.

On one side of the room, there were two brand new VR Capsules placed.