Chapter 0123. Iqol

Quintster Stadium

"Woah, look at that. Viking took down that deer with a single strike."

The audience sitting in the stadium was looking at all the things going inside the map in real time in front of them. 

"I don't care, he's so rude."

A girl in the audience pouted. She couldn't bear to see her new crush getting trash talked by that rude fellow.

"Haha, but his strength speaks for him. Look at his body, he looks like a professional wrestler."

Soon, the event with the dozen deers surrounding the players played out, and people who were focused on other player's matches couldn't help but take glances, wondering how the players would get out of this adversary.

But to their pleasant surprise, the bunch of deers were solely defeated by one player.

"Fucking awesome! That's the power of a level 0? Hahaha! He's too awesome."

"Just look at those slick moments. He doesn't even blink while gutting out the monsters."