Chapter 0127. The Hero Arrives

For the last 10 hours, all Shura did was continuously grind by killing monsters and gearing up. At some point, he realised that if he wanted to achieve something without dying and without anyone by his side, he'd have to use his alchemy and cook up some potions and stuff.

He collected a lot of rare minerals, herbs and plants and started to do alchemy on them, shocking the audience watching him.

"What the actual fuck."

"He's also an alchemist?"

"Since when was alchemy so easy and OP?"

The mouth of the audience was agape as they couldn't believe their eyes.  A guy with so much power and a legendary class also had a side hustle as an alchemist.

Not to mention that it barely took him minutes to finish refining things and cooking up potions.

And the chances of failure were close to none.

The whole of the audience consisted of at least 80-90% players, and some of them were alchemists too.

"....Have I been doing it right?"