Chapter 0137. Audience Outrage

After Shura's back to back blasts, the second event finally showed a beam of hope to players. This level wasn't as unbeatable as they had thought! 

All they needed was some dust and some heavy firework to get it done.

Soon, the kill count started depleting at a rapid pace as players took turns in recovering their mana and HP as well as engaging in combat.






Four hours into the game and the overall kill count of players reached a number they had never expected to reach at the beginning of the event. Although all of them were a tired mess, their hopes of clearing the event was at an all time high. 

Of course, the development team of Kibea wasn't half as happy as the players.

"What is going on here? Shaq, didn't you say that the event will at most reach 300,000 kills before all the players are wiped out?"