Whispering River(1)

Chapter 78 - Whispering River(1)

"Tell me, Raina. What pain do you want me to experience before you understand I am ready for this?!"




With the knife in her hand, Syvaine Vidarr went for her chest. There was no sign of hesitation in her eyes. If this was required to convince Raina, then she would decisively do it.

A breeze washed over her. With sheer inhumane speed, Raina blitzed all the way to her side and grabbed the knife before it could stab her body.

She flung the knife away and went back to her seat.

It became silent. Raina stared deeply at the blood that stained her hand. It wasn't her blood. It was Sylvy's blood. Just looking at it unsettled her.

'If anything was to happen to…'

She couldn't let herself finish that thought. Yet, she couldn't deny the possibility.

'Then I will make sure that possibility is forever false.'

Raina sighed after reaching a conclusion. "Fine, Sylvy, you can come with us. But I don't think your father would agree."