Chapter 60: Lord of Light's actions

The aura Rem saw didn't depict the current strength of the mage, but it did highlight their potential to some extent. And this guy's potential... Rem was sure that it was no less than Gabriel's potential. 

He couldn't measure an accurate potential, but the two had roughly the same potential from his estimates.

It was as if Lelin noticed someone observing him. His gaze straight went to the young man in the distance. 

Rem didn't know why, but as soon as Lelin glanced at him, he saw Lelin's aura disappear entirely as if there was not a shred of aura around him. 

'He can control his aura?' Rem frowned. 

It was the second time he had seen someone manipulating their aura. First, it was Gabriel and now Lelin. However, with Lelin, it appeared to be more intentional. 

"Are they the teachers?" Lelin asked the old lady.