Chapter 71: Forgiveness

Throughout the night, Hawrin's room was filled with screams. Unfortunately, not a single soul came to help him. The rooms that were made to give students privacy was having an effect that no one could've expected when the academy was made. 

No one had expected that someone could go inside the room and attempt to murder spending in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, that's precisely what was happening. 

Gabriel stood up, observing the floor that was covered in blood. There were multiple wounds all over Hawrin's body. In fact, there was still a knife stabbed on the elbow of Hawrin, who was trying to beg for his life, despite having no tongue to speak. 

"You were right, Hawrin. I am a demon. Only a demon can do what I'm doing in the way I'm doing, but I embrace the fact that I'm a demon. The world wanted me to be a demon so bad that I wholeheartedly accept. I became what you all wanted me to do... And this is just the beginning."