Chapter 113: High Tier Mission

With Elora's absence, Gabriel didn't feel the need to worry about much. Not only did he prove his 'innocence' to the academy, but he also did what he was here to do. 

Now he could leave whenever he wished, but leaving so soon felt like a waste of the opportunity for him. There were many more places in the academy to explore for now. By going back so soon, he would be just wasting the opportunity he had in the form of the Ring of Apophis. 

He still had four more nights here, and he wanted to use them to the fullest. 

He didn't need Spirit Stones. He didn't care about the Academy Points system either. There was a Treasure Pavilion which contained treasures made by the academy that could be purchased with points. 

He didn't have many points since he had only been here for two days and didn't earn any points, but even if he didn't, he didn't think there was anything that was available to be bought which could intrigue him.