Chapter 142: Curse of the Dead

Seeing the indifference of Axion, Gabriel was actually somewhat upset. 

He had almost died because of this, and this man was just saying that it was because he probably deserved it? He lost his entire old life, and this guy was saying he deserved it? He couldn't even enter the Royal City without hiding his real self, and this was deserved by him? Just why? Why did he deserve it? 

Just because his Element was similar to the Element of Darkness, he went through so much. What about the people who actually had the Element of Darkness? What about the ones that were waiting for their element to awaken to become a mage, and when their element awakened, they were killed because it was the wrong element?

The more indifference of Axion he saw, the angrier he became. 

"Just because you and the other Church heads thought it was right, all those people were put to death!" Gabriel asked. "Who gave you the right to decide who gets death and who doesn't?"