Chapter 162: At death's door

The spell and its chant were also not in the language that could be understood, even by Lira. It was like an entirely new language even for her... The language of gods. A language that was older than any language currently known. 

After Gabriel finished his spell, the mysterious red mist started rising around him, covering the left side of his shoulder.

What surprised Lira even more was that Gabriel's left arm started appearing once again, exactly the same as it used to be. The left arm looked quite illusory at the start, but with time, the left arm became as real as the rest of Gabriel's Spirit. 

Lira had already seen so many impossible things happening today, and it wasn't any less surprising! She had sliced a part of Gabriel's Spirit with her own hands, and regenerating a soul like this should've been impossible even for him. 

"Just who... Is he...?"