Chapter 256: Isn't the answer simple?

Through Shia's story, Gabriel could feel that this was a conspiracy that was created to destroy the Arecia Clan, and no one thought about it deeply. Everyone went with the flow and started calling the Arecia Clan traitors!

"It was most probably the greed of the Major Clans which led to something like that... 

"Are you alright?" Shia asked, noticing that Gabriel had gone silent. He wasn't speaking much. 

"I'm fine. I just hate traitors, so I was lost in some thoughts. The Arecia Clan was truly evil to go against their own people. The Major Clans did well," Gabriel answered. 

"So yeah, you can't meet the Arecia Clan in the Knight Tournament. They are already eliminated completely. Not a single person was left alive." Shia smiled. "You can still meet the current Royal Clan though. They are even better than the Arecia Clan! They are also more majestic!"