Chapter 270: Army of Undead!

Duke Callum was really like a follower to Gabriel, even offering Spirit Stones to help Gabriel and win the young man's favor. So far, he didn't know the identity of the young man, but for some reason, he felt as if the man had the potential to be someone special in the future if he already wasn't one. 

Gabriel was surprised to be offered the Spirit Stones since he hadn't even asked for them. However, he had already robbed all the Spirit Stones from the Academy of Elements. Spirit Stones was the last thing that he needed now. 

"No need. Keep your spirit stones for yourself," Gabriel responded. "I just need information."

"Information?" Callum asked. "What kind of information?"

"Prepare all the information you have about the Royal Family, especially about their treasures and the whereabouts of the said treasures. I also want to know about the destruction of the Arecia Clan and information related to all the Clans that had a hand in that."