Chapter 301: City of Gold

More than half the Church of Flame's forces had entered the Arecia Empire after sealing it from all sides, leaving only half the forces back at the Main Branch of the Church. 

Even the Lord of Flames had personally gone to the Arecia Empire. In each of the City of Arecia, a Head Priest of Flames was placed, to exert a greater level of control over the Empire. 

At the same time, the Lord of Flames led the core group to the Royal Capital where the crystal was shattered. 

When the crystal broke, everyone who was in the Empire was marked and those marks could be sensed by the Lord of Flames. Everyone except one...

Gabriel couldn't be sensed by the Lord of Flames. Even though Avilia asked Gabriel to take Lambard's help to remove the Mark of Fate Stone and escape, he didn't bother.