Chapter 311: I know how!

Carnage... That was the only word that could describe what the citizens saw. 

The Sacred Church of Flames that had been in the Lerian Empire for as long as one could remember had fallen... The foundation of the Empire had fallen! The Church was missing as if it had been wiped off the face of the earth. 

The people who were far away couldn't see it yet, but instead of the Majestic Church which used to be there, presently there was only a two hundred meter wide crater on the ground, revealing the destruction that took place. 

In the middle of the crater, a young man was lying, bleeding all over. The young man appeared to be wearing a mask, half of which was already broken apart. 

In the Holy Church of Flames, everything was destroyed. Nothing was left behind... Nothing other than a Statue which wasn't too far from Gabriel. 

The statue was still left standing, but there was no aura around it anymore. It was unable to harm Gabriel.