Chapter 333: Because of me...

The cracks on the mirror kept spreading until nothing could be seen on the mirror. It was as if even the mirror didn't dare to show his reflection suddenly. 

"Why are you standing before a broken mirror?" Just as Gabriel was distracted, he heard a voice coming from behind him. 

"Avilia?" Gabriel asked, turning around. Avilia was out of the shadows again. "Did you find out which forces were watching me?'

Avilia rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't you ask which forces weren't? All the Churches saw the commotion in recent days. All of them were keeping an eye on this city."

She continued, "However, there was someone else who was also watching. I just don't know who it was. It definitely wasn't someone from a Church."

"Probably Lambard. That guy is getting intrigued as well it seems," Gabriel answered. Even though Lambard sent his maid here to investigate, he was sure that he was still going to keep an eye on the City at least.