Chapter 338: Holy Child

The golden barrier around the city which restricted the entry of Dark Mages was broken. However, that didn't mean it was easy for a Dark Mage to enter. The security around the city was increased in the absence of the Golden Barrier. 

Surprisingly enough, a Head Priest of the Church of Light was placed at every entrance of the City. Moreover, the City had used some means to ban teleportations inside the city. No one could sneak inside in such a way. Whoever wanted to enter the City had to do so through the main entrance. 

Gabriel advanced closer to the City entrance on foot, accompanied by the Holy Priestess of Summoning.who had also restricted her powerful aura to make sure that even a Head Priest couldn't see her as anything more than an ordinary mage. 

There was a long line before the entrance of the City itself and surprisingly enough out of people who were trying to enter the City, more than ninety percent of them were Light Element Mages b