Chapter 407: Collapse in itself

Even after all these years, the defense is still so strong. It looks like, we won't be able to enter that place. There's natural resistance..." Litvia grimaced as she slowly stood up, not even caring about the dust on her clothes.

For now, her entire focus was on the garden which was like a deep abyss. Even though she wasn't close to the garden now, she could still feel the powerful energy coming from the Garden of Legacy, that was making them feel pressure. 

They weren't alone who tried to get inside the castle to fail either. 

On the other side of the garden, Avilia had already tried as well, but even she was pushed back. Even her beasts couldn't enter the place. It was as if that place was the Sacred Region of Death where no one else but the heir of that element could go!

In the end, she could only retreat while wondering just what was happening inside the garden and why such drastic changes took effect.