Chapter 410: Third benefit

Karyk still didn't appear to care about what she was saying. Instead, he was more focused on a little bird which was sitting on a tree in the distance. 

The little bird was feeding its hungry children. However, for some reason, the bird appeared to be somewhat injured. It was as if it was hurt when gathering food. 

Even though Karyk didn't respond to Theia, Alion was different. 

"What suggestions?"

Theia took a deep breath, as if she was very careful with what she was about to say next. 

"What makes the others wary of you is your constantly increasing strength. If it was just you, it was still not worth concern for the others. However, you also have an entire army... The Forbidden Army that can destroy Kingdoms at ease. So my suggestion is that..."

Karyk didn't react but he was still listening to Theia, wondering just what this woman was suggesting. However, what she said next made him frown.