Chapter 420: Speed

Even as Ozen's sword passed through the girl's body, he only felt as if his sword had passed through empty air and not a real person. 

Just as he expected, the little girl that he had stabbed dispersed, as if the attack had only managed to hit her afterimage and not her real self. 

"Your speed is not bad... It's almost comparable to mine with my sword" The little girl appeared around thirty meters away from Ozen and Litvia. 

Unlike the little girl who just complimented the speed of the two Envoys, the two Envoys were even more stunned. Even with the sword, they could barely match the speed of the little girl. 

"She is fast..." Gabriel muttered. 

The two Envoys only had a short time where they could fight with the sword and they couldn't waste this time. 

No matter how fast the little girl was, they could only go all out. Moreover, thanks to the Holy Lords, their pressure came down a little.