Chapter 427: Graveyard of Gods

Gabriel clenched his fist. He appeared furious yet scared at the same time. It wasn't often that such a scary expression could be seen on his face. .

In this life, there were only three people that he considered family! One was his mother who had died when he was still young. As for the other two... They were his teachers. However, they weren't just his teachers. They were like his brothers and his family members who gave him everything they had, even going as far as dying at his hands so he could progress. 

And to see those two people being tied to the pillars as their souls were slowly being devoured, he couldn't take it! Even if he had to destroy this entire place to ruins, he wanted to free them. He had never felt this angry in this life. 

Gabriel rushed toward the pillars where Cylix and Novius were tied to. He reached out his hand to shatter the shackles.