Chapter 436: Karyk's past

For the first time, Jia was short of words. She avoided Gabriel's gaze yet still didn't pull her hand back from his hands. "A-alright. Since you insist!"

Gabriel stood up, not speaking anything more. As long as the little girl didn't run around randomly, everything else was much safer. 

Gabriel followed Alion inside the Abandoned City of Gods, holding the little girl's hands firmly. He didn't notice Jia glancing at him from time to time with an unnatural expression. 

The City was still completely intact. It was as if the buildings were still completely new, with not even a single crack or mark of damage throughout the years. 

Unfortunately, there were no signs of life in this city anymore. It was as if it was a ghost town in this place. 

Along the way, Gabriel noticed a few more statues, all belonging to different beasts that Gabriel had never seen before.