Chapter 453: Are you sure?

If possible, Gabriel didn't want to enter the Nether Realm since he was sure that the Nether Realm was going to go all out this time, in order to stop him from ever leaving! 

Last time, he somehow managed to leave alive. He knew precisely how dangerous that place was. However, he had a feeling that this time, it was going to be much harder than last time.

 Last time, he was attacked after he freed the soul of his sister. However, this time, they were trying to kill him before he could even get to the souls!

"So that's why these stairs were made... To make it impossible for me to escape or have enough space to dodge..." Gabriel finally realized why there were stairs here which weren't here last time. 

Most people would've already tried escaping when faced with a Lich with such strength. Not only could the Lich also control magic, but it could also use the undead to fight! It was said that it was easier to kill a god than it was to kill a strong Lich.