Chapter 462: Separation


"Finally we are out of that place!" 

A relieved sigh of Jia came from behind. She finally saw the end of that barren crack-filled land. 

She had been walking for a long time. In fact, she had already started to lose hope about ever being able to leave this place. It was as if there was no end to that barren land. 

Fortunately, after hours of walking, she finally saw the terrain change in the distance. 

The new terrain was still as lifeless as before, but it was much better than the barren land as she could see some houses spread around sparsely. The land also didn't have cracks the size of fists like the barren land. 

"Wear it." Gabriel's face was still as calm and composed as before. He brought out two sets of robes and tossed them to the two people behind him. 

It was clear that he was signaling them to wear the robes to hide their identity.