Chapter 476: She was a distraction


Seven hours passed. Alion kept searching without stopping or even caring about his exhaustion. Unfortunately, he still hadn't found the souls of Cylix and Novius. 

As more time passed, even Alion was starting to get worried. It's been close to eleven hours since he entered the Soul Land. He was getting worried about the outside, wondering if Jia was still holding on. 

"Argh, just how long is it going to take! Why is my luck so bad?" 

The longer it took, the more frustrated he became as his body flashed from place to place like lightning. 

"Wait, was that...?"

He abruptly stopped as his mind processed the scene that he saw before. Since he was moving so fast, he didn't have time to stop and think about each soul clearly. It was only when he moved past an area that he felt that he saw souls that looked similar to the two he was looking for!

He hastily moved back, appearing a hundred meters away.