Chapter 486: He appeared

As soon as the footsteps resounded, the entire space was sealed, making it impossible to use any Spatial Artefact that wasn't as strong as a God Tier Artefact at least. 

Even the City of Abbadon, which was a Demigod Tier Numen, couldn't resist this restriction. No matter how good the City was in defense, but currently, even it was too weak for the person who had moved unhindered in the Upper Realm and the Nether Realm, even while being targeted by many stronger beings. 

"You seem to be in a hurry to leave." Gabriel's voice responded in the room as the footsteps stopped. 

Lambard's face was dark as he slowly turned around, stunned at how helpless he was. 


The Maid was also stunned to find Gabriel there. She finally realized that it was because of Gabriel that the barrier broke. She didn't believe Gabriel came here for anything good.