Chapter 514: He went easy on you

"What are you doing here?!" The Lich King asked. However, his voice appeared to use some mysterious magic that allowed him to speak without even opening his lips. 

His voice could clearly be heard by the Goddess of Nature and the other Undead Generals but not by Avilia and Gabriel's sister. 

"I'm here to meet him," The Goddess of Nature replied. She was not here to fight. And even if she fought, she didn't think she would win, with the current condition of this world. However, she was really curious about one thing. 

The Undead Generals were blocking her path. However, for what reason? That was the question in her mind. Karyk wasn't here after all. So who were they trying to protect from her?

In the end, she could only think of one person... The woman that Avilia hid behind her. 

She had already felt some of Karyk's aura on Zena and everyone was trying to protect her.