Chapter 564: Within Grasp

The mansion of the Stein Clan was surrounded by a lush forest that covered quite a lot of land. 

Many traps and formations were also placed in those places. However, as a guest, Gabriel was given a token that allowed him to walk through the forest without activating any traps. It was as if he was part of the Stein family. 

Gabriel stepped tentatively into the lush forest, his senses alive with the heady scents of blooming flowers and the rustling of leaves underfoot. The canopy overhead filtered the sunlight into an ethereal green glow, dappling the forest floor with shadows that seemed to shift and dance as he walked.

As he followed a winding path deeper into the woods, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. There was a mystery to this place, a feeling that there were secrets lurking just beyond the next bend in the trail.