Chapter 593: You won't be here

"Before I start, let me take that mask off."

The Stein Clan Patriarch reached out his hand, placing it around Gabriel's face, grabbing onto the facial mask that the young man was using. 

Since he was already going to use the Soul Search, he didn't want to have the mask interfere with contact between his hand and Gabriel's face. 

Grabbing the corner of Gabriel's mask, the man slowly took it off, before tossing it aside. 

He placed his hand under Gabriel's chin, raising his face slightly so he could watch it carefully. 

However, as soon as he raised Gabriel's head and saw his face, his eyes opened wide. Subconsciously, he took a few steps back. 

That face wasn't something that the Patriarch could forget! This was the face that almost everyone in the Upper Realm was looking for!

Portraits with this face were available everywhere, since this was the face of the person who was most wanted in the Upper Realm.