Chapter 620: The Ancient

In the vast nothingness where even the light from the spells couldn't travel more than a few meters, Gabriel noticed something in the distance. 

It appeared to be a faint glowing aura, beckoning towards him like a distant lighthouse calling out to lost sailors.

Intrigued by this mysterious phenomenon, Gabriel cautiously approached the source of the light. 

As he got closer, he could make out the silhouette of a figure bathed in the ethereal glow, standing motionless in the center of a strange array of symbols and runes etched into the barren ground. 

A shiver ran down Gabriel's spine as he realized that the figure was not human, but something otherworldly and ancient, something that should not exist in this plane of existence. 

It was something like a Nightmare Beast, yet it had a humanoid form. It had long, curved horns protruding from its skull, and its lifeless eyes glowed with a sinister light.