Chapter 625: Night of Blood

"What are you?" The young man hesitantly asked. He didn't know who Chaos was, but from what he saw, that man was not an ordinary human. And if he was a human, then he had surpassed humanity through some means. 

"What do you want from me?" he further asked, without even waiting for an answer. 

He also stopped dragging his body back, since his mind was finally working again. He realized that man was so strong, he could probably kill him with a single thought if he wanted to. There was no way he could run from that person. 

Moreover, that man had saved his life. It meant that he needed him. 

Instead of answering the question of the young man, the dark robed man raised his hand. A pitch black portal opened before him. 

He inserted his hand inside the portal, bringing out what appeared to be a small child, wrapped in a black blanket to keep it warm.