Chapter 643: Reward

Since no god was allowed to kill another god in this trial, Tien wasn't killed even after he lost the war. However, the winner was decided when Tien lost his entire army. 

Ezekiel sat on his knees after the war ended. His left arm was cut off in the battle. Most of his body was covered in blood. Even though he had won the war, his eyes were still empty. This was the end of this long war, yet he didn't feel happy. He felt... Nothing. It was as if his heart had turned to stone along the way. 

Even if he won the war, he knew that he already lost everything in the process. 

On the other side, Aizen walked closer to Tien, reaching out his hand to help Tien up. 

"Looks like you won the test..." Tien let out a sigh, as he stood up. "Congratulations."

"Hahaha, this was nothing. I was destined to win right from the start," Aizen laughed happily. He had won the trial. And finally he had the right to become even stronger and join the Council of High Gods.