Chapter 650: No Home

A portal opened in the middle of the Realm of Gods. 

Gabriel stepped out of the portal, only to be assaulted by the purest godly energy that was spread throughout the atmosphere. 

The air was different here, pristine and pure, and there was a strange energy pulsing through everything he could see.

It felt uncomfortable, yet comfortable at the same time. It was the purest form of energy, which was conflicting with the Abyssal Energy that had resided in his body, in place of his heart. 

The Pure Godly Energy had a strange relationship with the Abyssal Energy, something akin to light and darkness, or life and death. 

The Realm of Gods was really vast. It was also a really beautiful place, like nothing that Gabriel had ever seen before. It was truly the place where gods dwelled. 

He could see many floating islands, spread all throughout the Realm. All those islands were surrounded by a mystical white mist.