Chapter 659: Celebration of Gods

Caen was sitting in the Royal Court in a Lower World on the Throne of the King. 

He was calmly drinking the mortal wine, watching Two Leaders of their Kingdoms fighting in the Court, bare handed for his entertainment. 

The other young gods were also present, sitting with beautiful ladies in their laps, enjoying the battle of mortals. 

Not only were they enjoying themselves, but they were even betting on who was going to win, placing various Treasures on the line. 

The Kings who were fighting were horrified. They never believed in Gods. However, now they had no choices but to go with the whims of these gods. 

These gods could kill them with a snap of their fingers. The only way out was to keep these gods satisfied and entertained. 

Caen leaned back on his throne, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched the mortals fight for their lives.