Chapter 671: Gods' determination

"I understand that trust is not easily given, especially in our circumstances," Gabriel began, his voice calm and reassuring. "But I assure you, I mean you no harm. I believe that together, we can forge a path towards a better future. You want your revenge and I have the same desire. Together, we all get what we want!"

The old man, who had vouched for Gabriel, stepped forward. "He speaks the truth. Gabriel has brought me an opportunity to return to the Library of the Realm of Gods, to uncover the knowledge we have long been denied. And in doing so, we may find the answers we seek."

The others exchanged glances, silently contemplating the implications of the old man's words. It was a risk to trust Gabriel and venture into the unknown, but they were tired of living in isolation and yearned to return home. They had nothing left to lose.

At this point, they had grown tired. Even death was better than rotting here.